Education which allows one to Develop

The education  which teaches a adult or children to become a socially acceptable beings by learning values of life like civic, good  ,moral , mannered , non bullying , successful , traditional person in the society is called as character education . These concepts now days have fallen into emotional learning, cognitive development, moral reasoning, ethical reasoning, violence preventation, meditation.

Most of the character development school singapore has adopted lots of such programs in schools and businesses. The programmes are some commercial and some are not profitable which are devised as per the requirement and varies from school to school. The main virtue of the program is to provide principles, values, pillar and virtues in the life which makes a person more planned and respectable in the society.

In School activities or programs:

In the value education programs there are no common or designed programs as  there are  many other programs and due to the standards in the  various programmers of value education . The programs are generally four types

Cheerleading :  This is one kind of motivational program in which many multicolored posters , banners , bulletin boards will be displayed which are basic feature of the month , pubic addressing with large announcements , sometimes motivational assemblies , some time fund raiser program too

Praise and reward : This is one kind of positive reinforcement to the individuals which gives mental or moral support in which chits are given to praise the children and make them being good and the sometimes exchanged for privileges and prizes

Define and drill : In this process the child is made to memorize some list of definition or values which  can give boost to the child and this list of definitions will help to develop into far more complex in making a moral decisions .

Forced formality : The is one pattern which is followed to be in strict pattern where it should be complied with  some specific rules for the child this system will make the child or adult more strict and sometimes tends to use respected terms during the time of addressing some one .

Standard this four approaches are considered to be giving best behavioral results in which the students are committed to the values of the society and this activities will be like a stepping stone to make a person who can face complex phases of the life and situations.

Summing Up:

The education  which teaches a adult or children to become a socially acceptable beings by learning values of life like civic, good  ,moral , mannered , non bullying , successful , traditional person in the society is called as character education.